
Constitution and code of conduct
Association of Iranian Human Rights and Allies
The association’s Aims and Objectives;
- To raise awareness of Human Rights (HR).
- Raise awareness of the failure of implementation of HR in any form.
- Raise awareness of breaches in Human Rights, or aspects of HR.
- Promote HR.
- To establish working relationships with HR organisations, associations as well as government departments.
- Admit any person who is a keen advocate of upholding the values of HR and freedom.
- To function as an advocacy group on behalf of members if they have concerns regarding HR.
- To allow networking between members with their mutual consent.
- Fundraising for charitable causes and supporting HR campaigns.
- The association is a Limited non-profit organisation registered with Companies House.
- The Bank account is in the name of the association as a Limited entity.
- The Association is non-profit. All funds raised, from whatever source derived shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the association, and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly to any of the directors or members.
- In the event of a dissolution, the bank account will be closed and any funds transferred to charity chosen by members.
Board of Directors;
2.1 The board of Directors is the Executive panel. 2.2 The Board of Directors holds all requisite statutory, commercial and common law duties and responsibilities. This board will oversee the operational plans of the Association. 2.3 The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring any accounts are filed in accordance with the rules of Companies House and ensuring any contributions to charities within the U.K are documented. 2.4 Board members will be elected for a tenure of two years. There will be a maximum of eight Board Members. Any member may stand for a position and will require to provide a resume and justification for standing. 2.5 The Board Members have no restriction in the term. 2.6 In the event that a Board Member is not conducting their responsibilities in a timely or efficient manner, they may be voted off the Board by other Board Members and their position will be made available to other members. 2.7 Election will be held on the second week of January every other year.Responsibilities of the Board;
3.1 Provide clear and transparent leadership. 3.2 Implementation of agreed plans and projects. 3.3 Enabling the feedback, ideas, concerns, and opinions of all members to be heard, discussed and implemented if appropriate and possible. 3.4 Ensuring Board meetings are recorded and archived. The minutes will be made available to members on request. 3.5 Ensuring that the reputation and ideals of the Association are upheld at all times. 3.6 Respond to any concerns raised by members in a timely manner.Project Managers;
4.1 The Project Manager’s team oversees the execution of all projects. 4.2 Main responsibilities include, but are not limited to, ensuring the facilitation of tasks and projects agreed upon are implemented. Writing letters to HR groups and government institutions regarding HR. 4.3 Despite having some autonomy, to work closely with the Board of Directors. 4.4 The Project Managers team is restricted to 4 members and they are to be elected from the Board of Directors as well as members. 4.5 The tenure is for two years with no restricted term. Elections will be held the second week of January every other year. 4.6 A manager may be elected to leave the team if they are continuously failing to meet deadlines and/or produce works that fall short of the Association’s expectations. Their position will be offered to a Board member or a member through an election.Association Representative;
5.1 One representative for the association will be elected from the Board of Directors, the Project Managers team, or an association member. 5.2 Responsibilities include; representing the Association to all media outlets and being the primary source of contact for outside organisations. Ensuring the Association has a presence via social media such as Instagram, Facebook, and other platforms. 5.3 Tenure is for two years via elections held in the second week of January every other year.Co-operation;
6.1 The Association of Iranian Human Rights and Allies is working closely with the following organisations:- Setareh Foundation (Switzerland, Charitable Trust)
- Simurgh Foundation (UK, Non-profit organisation)
Associations expected Code of Conduct from all members;
- To act in a manner that is respectful to all members and with integrity.
- Elected persons to ensure they represent the Association with integrity and to ensure the Association will not be compromised by their actions and words.
- Elected persons to act in the best interests of the association, its members, and HR.
- To ensure there is transparency, equality, and opportunity for all members, as well as respecting opinions.
- Respecting the privacy of all members within the association.